Since 1980 Pagliara prodotti Chimici Srl has been distributing high-tech chemical products in Italy on behalf of prestigious foreign companies. The main areas of application are paints and varnishes, adhesives, chemicals for the construction industry, plastics, refractories, ceramics and electronics. Pagliara prodotti Chimici Srl’s hallmarks are our efficiency, service to client, professionalism and flexibility. Our specialist warehouse team and shippers, the majority of whom are quality standard certified, offer logistics services characterized by a high level of professionalism and punctuality. For our extensive knowledge of the markets, financial soundness, flexibility and effective sales and marketing strategies, Pagliara prodotti Chimici Srl is your ideal, transparent distributor for specialist chemical manufacturers and a competent and reliable supplier for our clients. We at Pagliara prodotti Chimici Srl are always on the lookout for innovative products, and over the years, we have introduced and developed the use of numerous cutting-edge chemicals and additives, which have become the basis of widely used technologies, from paints to silicates, water-based varnishes to flame retardant compounds and technical ceramics.


"Our mission is to be the trusted interface between our clients and our suppliers of chemical products. We market a selection of quality chemicals with the aim of marrying the aims and needs of producers with those of their target markets. Our service is aimed at supplying our customers, in the shortest possible time, with the goods we distribute, the relevant documentation and the technical information on the latest innovations of our suppliers. In addition to achieving their commercial objectives, we offer our suppliers the possibility of having the maximum return in terms of technical and commercial information, because it is only from a deep understanding of the market and its needs that ideas for the future can emerge."

"Closer to your customers, closer to your suppliers, with confidence, with us."

Paolo Pagliara - Ceo Pagliara Srl